The Municipal Council of Laval has put a two-year reserve on twelve hectares of ecologically valuable land including five hectares of wetlands south of Blvd. St-Elzéar West in Chomedey, Laval. The Council’s intention is to create a park on this land. This is a major victory for our local partner, Les Amis des milieux naturels de Laval (AMNL). This is an example of citizens’ taking ecological action to stop environmental destruction, with bells on!
In December of 2020, Legacy signed a contract of financial support with AMNL. Under the contract, Legacy agreed to match the funds raised by AMNL to assist them with the investigation of possible legal avenues to preserve this wetland. Given the establishment of the reserve by the municipality, this investigation has been suspended.
The Legacy Fund salutes the efforts of AMNL which have led to this conclusion.
For more details on this most favourable outcome, please see the article in the Courrier Laval: Secteur Saint-Elzéar: 12 hectares de milieux naturels protégés | Courrier Laval
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